On this page I will place corrections of errors that have been found in the book.


Corrections to Figure 2.4


There are mistakes in Figure 2.4. Please find here the corrected Figure




Corrections number of molecules ATP and NADHP charged by glucose on page 135


On page 135 it is stated that only two molecules of ATP and NADHP are “charged” by one molecule of glucose. This is not correct and should read (see also blog of 8/22/07 “Entropy and the Foodchain Part II”:

At the molecular level, the aerobic (oxygen-based) respiration of glucose produces energy that is stored in molecules of ATP. This happens by adding a phosphate group (PO4) to ADP. Per molecule of glucose, 32 molecules of ATP are created and together they store  about 1100 kJ of energy that can be used to drive other reactions in the cell. In the case of anaerobic respiration (where little or no  oxygen is available), the energy efficiency is much less, since only two ATP molecules are formed for each combusted glucose molecule.


On the link below you will find a corrected page 43





On the link below you will find a corrected page 70



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